Global Coatings apply a complete range of paint systems capable of offering over 25 years of corrosion protection in extreme environments. Paint systems are applied and inspected by qualified personnel (ICATS, ICORR & NACE) using conventional, air assisted and airless spray equipment.
Painting systems provide long life protection to vessels, pumps and valves, pipework, heat exchangers, structural steel fabrications and machinery components, armoured personnel carriers, gun components and much more.
We often work in accordance with our customers specification and to numerous industry standard specifications such as NORSOK M-501 and ISO12944-5. We are qualified to consult with our customers and recommend the appropriate associated paint system in conjunction with the desired corrosion category.
Most of our customers provide a defined specification document we need to work to, with matching accreditations and expertise. However, if this is not possible, projects at Global Coatings are fully specified through detailed assessment of the substrate and finished product to understand the size/weight of the object and what it is used for.
Additionally we undertake cost effectiveness and longevity assessments to define how long the coating needs to last, what environmental conditions it is subjected to, any testing reporting and certifications needed.
For Example
- 1Blast to ISO8501-1, SA2.5, 75-100 microns
- 21 x Coat of epoxy @ 250 microns
- 32x Coats of polyurethane polyuathane @ 125 microns each
- 4Total NDFT (Nominal Dry film thickness) of 500 microns